Spiderman Homecoming Begins a New Era of Spiderman
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is a Great Comedy with Character Development on the Side
The Devil All the Time Analyzes Evil in a Unique Way
Dr. Strange: Marvel's Most Metal Character
Captain America: Civil War: Tony Stark is the Villain
Antman: It's About Time for a Comedy
Avengers: Age of Ultron: There's Not a Lot but There's Some.
Guardians of the Galaxy is The MCU's Wildest Adventure
Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Marvel Gets into the Genre Films
Thor: The Dark World: The Elves Hate the SUN
Iron Man 3 is Marvel's Home Alone
The Avengers: This Finally Happened!
Captain America: The First Avenger: The Beginning of Steve Rogers Journey
Thor's Journey Begins
Ironman 2 is the Third Best Ironman Movie
The Incredible Hulk: A Story about Loneliness
Ironman: The Beginning of a Saga
Barefoot in the Park and Much Ado About Nothing Use the Same Tools to Create Dynamic Lovers
The Marvel Complaints and Responses are Annoying; Like what you Like.